Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
If you are interested in being received into the fullness of the Catholic Church, we would be honored to help walk with you through that process. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) program guides people on a journey of faith towards Christ through a series of stages of discernment paralleled with education of the faith and marked by liturgical rites. To learn more about OCIA, follow here.
Commonly Asked Questions:
Do you have to be Catholic to attend?
No, all are welcome to attend. The Catholic faith differs from other denominations in the way that we receive the Sacraments. However, you are more than welcome to receive a blessing during Communion. All you have to do is cross your hands over your chest!
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, please visit our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults page.
What should you expect at Mass?
The Mass is about an hour long. Click here to read a brief overview of the Mass. For those who are new or have been away from the faith, we have screens that display the songs, Mass parts, and Mass movements.