The old girls' dormitory at St. Mugagga was designed to accommodate 40 students. Eighty girls began to house there with the remaining female boarding students allocated to small rooms in different corners of the school. This extreme overcrowding continued to pose numerous challenges for students and staff.
Project: Renovation of School Buildings
Completed in 2013, majority funded by Church of the Blessed Sacrament.Classroom building under construction (left), renovated with new sheet metal roof (right):
Project: New Latrines & Shower Facilities
Completed in 2011, funded by Church of the Blessed SacramentThe Problem:
A lack of proper sanitation facilities was creating increased health risks, which is an especially serious concern in an area with limited access to medical facilities.
This also led to a decrease in school attendance, especially among middle-school aged girl students. Having to wash in school common areas without the benefit of privacy often led to girls dropping out before their education was complete.
The Solution:
Construction of new pit latrine buildings and shower facilities at St. Mugagga. These basic shower facilities do not have running water, but they do have rows of stalls that allow users privacy while washing themselves with a bucket of water.