The need to be “pro-life” did not begin with Roe v. Wade nor did it end after Dobbs v. Jackson. The ‘issue’ of the sanctity of life has always been central to Catholicism starting, literally, at the beginning, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” (Genesis 1:26)
God has created every human being in God’s image and likeness. Thus, every person in instilled with irrevocable dignity and thus the right to life. Jesus makes clear in the Gospels that to love God is to love our neighbors, especially those who are on the margins. Despite conventional norms, Jesus spent time with women, ethnic minorities, tax collectors, and prostitutes. He told us that to serve the poor, the hungry, and the imprisoned is to serve God.
As Catholics we oppose the legalization of direct threats to innocent life, including abortion, euthanasia, the death penalty, and unjust war. We also work for a culture that promotes the dignity of life.
It bears repeating: being pro-life is not simply being anti-abortion (though that's a big part of it). Being pro-life includes all of the following: